Want To Include Anyone Else? Do you want to have the Event Request notification sent to anyone else?
I am submitting this request as* Meeting Definition* A meeting is different from an event in that there are limits to what can be requested. The options are limited to a one-time event, 3 spaces (those are As Is), the time and the date. If anything else is needed please change the Type of Request to New Event.
Internal Church or Staff Sponsored Event* This form is designed for internal church events, events for which St. David’s assumes the cost. If you are a member of staff and would like to schedule an event for a group for which you are a part or for which St. David’s will not pay, please contact Alexis Washington, Director of the Space.
All Day Closure? Closure Start Time Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Closure End Time Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Availability Verified* Have you verified that the date, time, and location are available?
Event Category(s)* Please select the appropriate category(s) for the event. For public events Categories determine which of the customized calendars/pages the event will be included on the website.
Late Request I understand this request is fewer than 10 days away and must be approved by the Parish Administrator.
Event Start Time* Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Event End Time* Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Is This a Recurring Event?* *Almost no event occurs unchanged for more than 6 months, so recurrences will be limited to 12/31 of the current year.
Recurrence* How often will the event recur? *Exceptions can be made with approval. * If event is scheduled to the end of the year you will automatically be sent a reminder to complete the form for the next year.
Event Reminder* Would you like to receive a reminder prior to the last occurrence of the event so details can be reviewed and updated as needed?
Any Known Exceptions To The Recurrence?* Will you be skipping/changing a date in the recurrence pattern, spring break, holidays, Holy Week, etc.
Public* Do you want the event to be published on the church calendar?
Internal Event Description* Plain text. An internal description is not required but can be helpful for non-public events. It can only be seen by staff and leaders with access to the internal calendar.
Public Event Description (must be included)* eSpace has the option of a rich text public event description and a plain text internal description. If the event is not public the only description field is the plain text option.
*This description will also be used if you need a form (registration, contact, payment) which will be created in ShelbyNext.
*Scheduler will not search for descriptions from previous events.
Contact on Public Events* Do you want to include a ministry contact on public events? Internal events will have the requester or leader direct email.
Include Event Image Do you want to provide an image to be included for the event?
Type of Event* Event Attendance* How will attendance be recorded?
Aggregate Attendance Should this event’s attendance be combined with another event, event type, or department for the scorecard.
Worship Service* If this is a worship service, the Altar Guild will be notified, and their approval required.
Type of Service* Meeting Owl Do you wish to use the Meeting Owl video conference device. You will need to have a laptop.
Will the Family Need a Gathering Space?* Preferred Gathering Space* Family Arrival Time* Family Departure Time Other Space(s)* Do you have an alternate space or need additional spaces?
Override Space Name for Public Events?* On the Public Calendar all the spaces reserved will be listed, if you want to override the Spaces please provide a new space name. For example: for VBS instead of all spaces reserved, override with the primary or check-in location or just St. David’s.
In-Person Space Set Up* What set up best suits your needs? Please provide any other set up details in the additional information field.
Hybrid Space Set Up* What set up best suits your needs? Please provide any other set up details in the additional information field.
Additional Time Needed* Will you need additional time before or after the event (to decorate, test AV, clean up). This is not how much time the sextons need to prepare the space.
Additional Time Before* Please enter when you will need access to the location(s) before the event, to prepare with 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Additional Time After* Please enter when you will need access to the location(s) after the event, to clean up with 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Event will include or require:* Please select all that apply.
Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions*
Additional Event Details-hosp* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions*
Worship Audio* For worship events or events in Bethell or Historic, do you need anything different than the usual audio configuration?
Special Worship Audio Needs*
Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions*
Audio Needs* Briefly describe your audio needs: microphone(s), mic stand(s), PA.
Microphone Type* PA Speaker* Used outdoors or in smaller areas. 2 inputs available.
Other Audio Needs* Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions* Audio
Presentation Source* What will you be using as the source of the presentation?
Presentation Destination* How do you intend to share the presentation? Mounted screens are narrow (4:3) which means that wide views (16:9) may be cut off or smaller than intended.
Audio/Video Output from Presentation Source* WiFi is available but it is not secure and can be inconsistent. Wired connection is safest.
Audio/Video Device Output Port (HDMI preferred)* What type of audio/video output does the device have? It is critical to know the correct output for Macs.
Clicker/Pointer* Does the presenter need a clicker to remotely control the presentation.
Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions*
Livestream/Recording* Start Time* Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Stop Time Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Livestream Destination* Thumbnail Image* Bulletin Link Needed* Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions* livestream
Technology* Please provide details on any other technology needed for the event, such as a laptop, tablet, giving kiosk, check in kiosk, etc.
Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions*
Spotify Playlist* Do you have a Spotify Playlist? Our licensed application is associated with Spotify, so you can create and use a personal Spotify playlist.
Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions* music
Registration Information Registration Notification* Do you or someone else need to be notified when a registration is submitted?
Confirmation Email Message* ShelbyNext confirmation email is rich text including hyperlinks and images. There is also the option of using entry responses in the message, like name, signup slot, or any input field in the form. Please also include the basic event details (date, time, space) since the form is not actually tied to an event
Registration Fee* Accept Offline Payments* Is Fee Refundable?* Other Registration Options* There are a number of options available for registrations. Contact events@stdave.org for more information.
Additional Registration Details Needed* Additional Registration Details*
Additional Event Details* Are there any additional details?
Additional Information or Special Instructions*
Do You Have The Entry ID? Current Event Start Time* Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
Is This A Registration Event?* What Needs to be Changed?* Check all that apply. If the event has a registration, please also check Registration details and include the pertinate information.
New Start Time* Please enter 2 characters in the minutes field (00, 30, 45 …).
New Food/Beverage Details (contact Hospitality directly)* Please remember the Hospitality department may have other events scheduled around the requested event that could affect your request. For questions, please contact Hospitality directly.
New Registration Details* If registration is being added, please provide language for hyperlink (the wording that the url will be linked to).
New AV Details* Please be as thorough as possible.
New Event Category(s)* Please select the appropriate category(s) for the event. For public events Categories determine which of the customized calendars/pages the event will be included on the website.
Other New Details* Please be as thorough as possible.